Love & Unity Exists.

Message of Unity – For Sharathji’s Birthday.

On this day, all of us want to take this opportunity to get together & say a few words. So many of us are hugely thankful for all that you do & have contributed to our lives. We all know it’s not an easy path you walk, but despite that, you have brought so much meaning, opportunity, purpose & value to countless people that have been lucky to have experienced your shining light & dedication in sharing yoga.

This 50th birthday we get together to give back to you, so… To our dear teacher, sit back, relax and enjoy. This next hour you don’t have any responsibilities or weight on your shoulders to carry, we are here to lift you up!

You have done so much these past 5 decades & will no doubt, do a lot more the next 5 decades, but during all of this …you should know that you are admired & appreciated as a teacher, a father, a husband, a son & grandson… but also loved by all for being an honest & pure human being that is always striving to do his best for the people & world around him. We see you. We have your back.

However, unlike the plains of Africa that you enjoy on Safari, your accomplishments have not been flat, the number of people around the world that have experienced, practice daily or have devoted their lives to Ashtanga Yoga has grown immensely under your years of teaching and it continues to increase. More & more countries across the globe have access to yoga because of your guidance and trust in us as your teachers. Best of all, you have planted little seeds of hope everywhere around the world with people becoming better humans everywhere as a result of your yoga teaching & life’s work.

Today you deserve to stand tall at this peak in your life, we are so proud to smile with you, with joy & contentment, and we will continue alongside you as you travel to your next peak.With the heart of a tiger inside you we know you will only get stronger.

We hope you are just as excited as we are for you, because at 50 a whole new life opens before you.

You… our dear Teacher, Sharathji, is making the World a better place, with the love & inspiration you give to everyone that is lucky to cross paths with you.

Today we celebrate you, the man you are today & the example you set for all of us everyday, so from around the world we wish you a very …..

Happy Birthday!
*thank you to everyone that helped make The Message of Unity*

Edited by Manuel
Special Thanks to Simona & Digna Words by Yan Ong.

Message d'unité sharath Jois

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